Courgette flowers, mozzarella and Delicius Anchovies lasagna

Ingredients for 2 lasagna
Preparation time: 20 minutes + dough preparation time
Difficulty: Easy


For the dough:

  • Flour, 200 g;
  • Eggs, 2.

For the filling:

  • Delicius Anchovy in olive oil, 6-8 fillets;
  • Fiordilatte Mozzarella, 120 g;
  • Courgette flowers, 12;
  • Basil leaves, 6;
  • Garlic clove, 1;
  • Oil;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Bread crumbs, 30g.


  • Roll out the dough very thin – around 2mm, then crop it with a kitchen mold, boil it for 1 minute so it is cooked.
  • In the meantime cook the courgette flowers in a pan for a few seconds, with a little olive oil and a garlic clove.
  • Chop the mozzarella cheese with your hands and start layering: one layer of pasta, one layer of mozzarella, then the courgette flowers, a couple basil leaves and the anchovy fillets.
  • Repeat until the ingredients are finished, compose the last layer with mozzarella and slightly toasted bread crumbs, put it in the oven at 180° until the mozzarella melts and serve hot!