For its 50th anniversary, Delicius is hosting an exhibition shedding light on the environmental issues threatening the ecological balance of the sea. The experience of fishing and fish preservation, along with the historical establishment of a fishing district within Parma’s industrial system, serve as the prologue to an exhibition designed within the broader context of the many qualities of the sea and the dangers it faces today. Human beings should learn many things from the sea and its inhabitants such as, among others, the ability of fish to move in unison, to organize themselves into shoals and to arrange themselves in a coordinated manner. This way, people should understand the importance of distinguishing themselves from each other, the value of being together, and the necessity of coordinating in the urgent battles for the environment and nature.

Room 1

Room 1
The sea in Parma

Room 2

Room 2
The Garum routes

Room 3

Room 3
Long live Verdi!

Room 4

Room 4
Packaging today

Room 5

Room 5
The collective dimension

Room 6

Room 6
Ode to salt

Room 7

Room 7
On moonless nights

Room 8

Room 8
The singing of the sea

Room 9

Room 9
Water memory

Ocean Drifter

Ocean Drifter

Room 10

Room 10

Room 11

Room 11
Looking upwards




Fifty years have gone by since Delicius was founded, and we have always strived to promote a responsible way of conducting business.

Today, as a Benefit Corporation, we have an additional objective: "to safeguard the sea, source of life and wealth and great lung of the planet, by striving for a responsible management of natural resources, minimising waste, contributing to the protection of biodiversity, also by searching low impact solutions or that can favour the natural regeneration of resources, for the protection of the planet and the wellbeing of future generations" (Delicius Statute)

We will probably make mistakes, but we strive every day to do our part, because we firmly believe in a new way of running a business.

Pannel 1

No plastic

Pannel 2

Education projects

Pannel 3


Pannel 4

Gender equality

Pannel 5

Common partnerships

Pannel 6

Certified sustainable fishing


The curators

The curators

Artists and collaborators

Artists and collaborators


Mare Nostrum Thermos

Mare Nostrum Thermos

Mare Nostrum Mug

Mare Nostrum Mug

Mare Nostrum Shopper

Mare Nostrum Shopper

Created in Partnership with

Fondazione Monteparma

APE Parma Museo

Artistic Installations: Giacomo Cossio, Paolo Mezzadri, Studio MC2AA

Photos: Stefania Giorgi e Ryan Stalker
Video direction: Leonardo Mariani
Underwater shooting: Fabio Ferioli